Entrepreneurial Success Stories

Empowering Dreams: How Khatapana Uplifts Micro and Small Businesses

by Khatapana

Aug 9, 2023 - 3 min read

Empowering Dreams: How Khatapana Uplifts Micro and Small Businesses

In a world where dreams often face financial obstacles, Khatapana emerges as a guiding light for micro and small business owners. From streamlined record keeping to empowering credit management, and even separating personal and business transactions, Khatapana is more than an app; it's a partner on the journey of turning dreams into thriving businesses. Here is one such story:

In the bustling streets of Kathmandu, Apeksha Rai, a BBA student, runs a t-shirt printing side hustle with her two other classmates: SassyStyles3. Every day, they craft new designs based on the latest trends, promote their intricate pieces of art  on social media. They take turns in taking orders, getting the t-shirts printed and ready for shipment. But when it comes to tracking their sales, expenses, and inventory, they feel like they are drowning in numbers. Apeksha and her team have no clue as to how their side hustle is doing and if they should continue working on it. That's when Khatapana steps in, offering their side hustle a lifeline to efficient financial management.

Use Case 1: Streamlined Record Keeping

Apeksha installs Khatapana and begins recording the sales of SassyStyles3  with a simple tap. No more manual spreadsheets or scribbled notes. With a few clicks, she effortlessly tracks her daily transactions, allowing her and her team more time to focus on their true passion - building and growing SassyStyles3.

Use Case 2: Clear Financial Insights

As the days go by, Apeksha and her team members at SassyStyles3 marvel at the clear insights Khatapana provides. It categorizes their income and expenses, showing them exactly where their money is coming from and going. They can finally see the big picture, enabling the team to make informed decisions about their sidehustle's future. They also have more clarity on how to price their offering better. 

Use Case 3: Easy Credit Management & Collection

One day, a customer orders in bulk, promising to pay later. In the past, tracking such credit sales was a nightmare, but with Khatapana, Apeksha simply enters the transaction and sets a reminder. When the due date approaches, Khatapana sends a friendly reminder to the customer, ensuring smooth credit management.Wouldn’t it be better if the reminder also had a payment link through which the customer can pay seamlessly? Well, Khatapana is working towards that too. 

Use Case 4: Personal & Business Transactions

Khatapana goes beyond business. Khatapana Plus subscription has given a Pro subscription complementary which Apeksha uses to record her personal transactions. This separation allows her to understand her personal finances better, making her personal and business financial decisions more effective and insightful. A clear distinction between her personal and business money has helped her avoid any confusion or conflict. She shares the daily reports of business with her team members at the end of each day. As a result, everything is transparent among the team members which have helped strengthen their trust as well. Seeing the benefits of tracking financial transactions, other team members of SassyStyles3 have also subscribed to Khatapana Pro to manage their personal finances. 

Use Case 5: Financial Confidence

As their side hustle is slowly growing into a business, SassyStyles is also getting orders from the corporate houses. They often ask for samples beforehand. The cost of preparing and sending samples without any guarantee of orders used to worry the team. But now, Khatapana has her back. They have allocated some funds out of their profit for marketing and promotions especially focussed on business customers. Now, they can confidently send samples to such large customers. With Khatapana's support, SassyStyles3 is gaining exposure and new customers.

Through Apeksha and SassyStyles3's story, we witness Khatapana's transformative impact on micro and small businesses and that’s our goal: transforming one business at a time! Want to transform your small business, download Khatapana today!

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