Simplest way
to manage your money!
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iOS & Android
Start your journey towards financial freedom & prosperity in 3 steps:
Record your daily transactions
We keep track of your daily expenses and help you balance your incoming and outgoing cash balance.
Get summary of transactions and various reports
Based on your recording of transactions, Khatapana provides you with important insights in the forms of transaction summaries and reports (partywise, purposewise) with help of colorful charts.
Make better and smarter financial decisions
With the valuable insights available in Khatapana, you can make better and smarter money decisions!
We are working to make “Nepal financially smarter” and we are just getting started!
Khatapana is a fintech initiative from Finnove Technologies to empower every Nepali household to keep their #paisakohisabkitab and guide them on a path of financial literacy and prosperity. With Khatapana, anyone can keep record of the money flow (inward and outward) i.e. all financial transactions for themselves and also for their business! Yes, you read it right. If you are a solopreneur, small business, partnership firm, freelancer or have just started your venture, then you can manage the money for your business separately using the same application.... Read More
See why khatapana is for everyone
Being a student living in a hostel, I needed to handle my own finances. My father allotted a certain amount for the whole semester which limited my spendings. I kept a small pocket notebook where I tracked my expenses which was tiring sometimes. So, I skipped many transactions as a result I failed to tally the amount I had and the amount I spent. Another problem was I would lend my friends money and they either forget to give me that money back or I would forget about it. So, I ended up with less money to spend on myself. I wish I had a way of tracking my expenses and the credits that needed to be settled at that time.
Nepal's first online khata for you, your family and your business.
Easy to use
Anyone can use Khatapana to manage their money and keep their #paisakohisabkitab. You do not need any technical skills or accounting knowledge. It is as easy as using a calculator!
Never miss any transaction
Can't keep track of where you spent your money or how much you lent it to your friend? Well forget about this. Just record the transactions and let Khatapana keep track of all your money inflow and outflow.
Easily manageable and accessible
You do not need to hire any professional or buy some expensive subscriptions to keep record of money for yourself as well as your business. It is so simple, easily manageable and can be accessed by anyone.
Fully Digital
And Khatapana is fully digital and is available on your phone all the time. Get rid of any spreadsheets or carrying your notebook or even taking notes elsewhere! Manage all your transactions on the go!

Khatapana Coin based rewarding system
Khatapana not only helps you to take control of your cash flow, you can also earn coins and redeem the cash later or use the coin for in-app purchases. Yes, you can earn money through our referral system, so be part of our referral program as soon as possible.
#Paisakohisabkitab for you and your business in one app!